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The Great Dust Off

Vancouver regional Decompression 2011

The Man burns in 0 days

Posted by jdeane on September 3, 2011
Posted in Latest News 

So this is it… it’s burner new years today, and I just ate a nice breakfast free of playa dust, I even have running water for washing my dishes, and life is good. I thought I would really miss the playa, but it’s been OK. Watching the CORE burn on FB was a bit tough, I wanted to be there with my peeps…

Organizing Dust off has been a very good distraction from the lack of playa dust in my life, I just hope you all aren’t to tired from your life changing experiences and other hippie manifestations to make this party go off, like it should!

28 days till we Dust Off.


Volunteer roles

Posted by jdeane on September 1, 2011
Posted in Latest News 

So far the following peeps have stepped up to take on these roles:

Volunteer Coordinator:Amara Smith
DPW:Jake DeNiro (Internationally renowned super star DJ)
Bar Mangers:Sinja and Jalo
Tickets – Dianamite
Door Manager:Yvonne
Fire Show: Demanda
Fire Safety: Roberto
Producer:Jimmy Deane

We are looking for volunteers to contribute some time to help shake the dust out of this moth!

Perhaps you want to sling beers, work a door shift, maybe even take over a section of the movie props and set up a theme space, dudes they have life sized pirates out there!!! Aliens too! Giant Santas and even a
massive birthday cake you can jump out of!!!

Click the Contact Us link and let the Dust Off crew know all about what you want to contribute to the event.